Everything you need to know about Anatoliy can be found on this page.

Anatoliy Labinskiy Bio

(please use this info for the introduction)

Anatoliy Labinskiy, a renowned entrepreneur and eCommerce expert, holds four prestigious Two Comma Club awards. He (@ecombyanatoliy) is the founder of GSM Growth, an agency dedicated to propelling e-commerce entrepreneurs to new heights of success. Anatoliy is also the co-founder of, an AI-powered service revolutionizing advertising campaign optimization.

In addition to his entrepreneurial ventures, Anatoliy hosts the acclaimed Ecom Business Stream Podcast, featuring insightful stories from successful entrepreneurs, executives, and investors. As a member of the Forbes Business Council and one of the Top 100 USA Entrepreneurs with Ukrainian Origins, Anatoliy's influence in the e-commerce sphere is widely recognized.

An international speaker, Anatoliy shares his expertise worldwide, solidifying his position as a leading figure in the ever-evolving realm of e-commerce.

Anatoliy can speak on such topics as:

  • Agency

    ● The mandatory steps to open your own agency.● Best practices for leading and managing a team of employees or contractors as an entrepreneur, including tips on communication, delegation, and creating a positive company culture.● How to manage a remote team.● What a middle manager needs to know to open their own agency.● The difficulties and benefits of launching an agency from the ground up.

  • Entrepreneurship

    ● Unlocking the Power of Mentorship in Entrepreneurship: «How Having a Mentor Can Help You Succeed as an Entrepreneur».● From Zero to Success: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Starting a Business from Scratch. ● Building a personal brand: Strategies for creating a strong personal brand as an entrepreneur, including tips for developing a unique voice, leveraging social media, and building relationships with your audience.● Maximizing Productivity as an Entrepreneur: Time Management Strategies for Prioritizing Tasks and Avoiding Burnout.● From Prospecting to Closing: Tips and Tricks for Enhancing Your Sales and Customer Service Skills as an Entrepreneur.

  • Advertising

    ● What are the advertising prospects for Facebook and TikTok in 2023, and where should one focus their efforts?● What are the potential issues to consider when it comes to advertising on TikTok and how can one overcome them?● How to increase revenue by using email marketing?● What is the best approach for advertising with limited funds?● What factors should be considered when optimizing and scaling an advertising campaign on Facebook?

  • Ecommerce

    ● What is the relationship between the choice of Shopify store and its theme, and the visual impact on the conversion rate?● What are the ideal metrics for AOV and store conversion rate, and how can implementing bundles and post-purchase upsells aid in achieving these benchmarks?● How to change the angle of the product and make it a winner?● Can strategies that are successful in the US market be applied to other countries, and what are the distinctive features of various markets that need to be taken into account? ● How to optimize a Shopify store's performance??● How to stand out in a competitive niche? Key elements for branding a store or product.

  • Mindset

    ● Preventing Burnout: Strategies for Entrepreneurs● Overcoming the Fear of Failure: Strategies for Entrepreneurs● Finding Meaning and Living a Fulfilling Life as an Entrepreneur● Strategies for Overcoming Fear and Depression as an Entrepreneur● Staying Motivated as an Entrepreneur: Strategies and Tips

  • Shopify & AI

    ● How can ChatGPT double your conversions overnight?● Leveraging AI to Boost Your Shopify Store's Conversion Rate● Boosting Creative Click-Through Rates with AI: Strategies for Increasing Engagement● Unlocking Attribution: Harnessing AI for Marketing Success


Anatoliy is open to any kind of questions, however, if necessary, you can focus on the following list:

  • Growth strategies for Ecommerce businesses

    ● Why diversification is important for an Ecommerce business, and what are some effective strategies for achieving it?● How does reinvestment play a role in the long-term success of an Ecommerce business, and what are the ways businesses can prioritize it?● What are some common misconceptions about diversification and reinvestment, and how can businesses overcome them?● What advice would you give to Ecommerce business owners who want to diversify and reinvest, but are unsure where to start?

  • Evolution of ad structure in the advertising industry

    ● Many advertisers prioritize ad structure when creating their campaigns. Can you explain why you think that's not as important today?● What are some of the biggest mistakes you see advertisers making when it comes to ad structure, and how can they avoid them?● Can you share some examples of successful campaigns that didn't follow a traditional ad structure, and what made them work?"● How has technology changed the way we approach ad structure, and what new opportunities does it offer advertisers?● What do you see as the future of ad structure in the Ecommerce industry, and how can businesses adapt to these changes?

  • Organic traffic optimization for Ecommerce businesses

    ● What are some of the top organic traffic sources that Ecommerce businesses should be focusing on in 2023, and what are the benefits of each?● How can Ecommerce businesses optimize their website and content to better leverage these organic traffic sources?● What role does social media play in generating organic traffic, and what are some effective strategies for maximizing its impact?● What emerging trends do you see in the world of organic traffic, and how can businesses stay ahead of the curve?

  • Future trends and strategies for Ecommerce businesses

    ● What do you see as the biggest trends and changes that businesses will face in 2023, and how can they prepare for them?● How has the pandemic impacted the way businesses operate, and what do you think will be the long-term effects on the Ecommerce industry?● What emerging technologies do you see having the biggest impact on Ecommerce businesses in the coming years, and how can businesses stay ahead of the curve?● What role do you see social media and influencer marketing playing in the future of Ecommerce, and how can businesses effectively leverage these channels?● What advice would you give to Ecommerce business owners who are looking to stay competitive in 2023 and beyond?

  • Ad Strategies and Technologies for Future-Ready Ecommerce Businesses

    ● What major changes do you anticipate in the world of ads platforms in the coming years, and how can Ecommerce businesses stay ahead of the curve?● What are some of the top ads platforms that businesses should be focusing on in 2023, and what are the benefits of each?● How can Ecommerce businesses effectively measure the ROI of their advertising efforts, and what metrics should they be paying attention to?● What role do emerging technologies like AI and machine learning play in the world of ads platforms, and how can businesses leverage these tools to optimize their advertising strategies?● What advice would you give to Ecommerce business owners who are looking to maximize the impact of their advertising efforts in 2023 and beyond?

  • Optimizing Shopify Stores for Higher Conversions

    ● What are some of the most common mistakes that Ecommerce businesses make when setting up their Shopify stores, and how can these mistakes be avoided?● What are some of the key design elements that should be included in a high-converting Shopify store, and how can businesses effectively implement these elements?● What are some of the top apps and tools that can help Ecommerce businesses optimize their Shopify stores for conversions, and how should these tools be used?● How can Ecommerce businesses effectively use customer data and analytics to improve the performance of their Shopify stores, and what metrics should they be tracking?● What advice would you give to Ecommerce business owners who are looking to create a high-converting Shopify store, and how can they stay ahead of the competition in the coming years?

  • The Power and Importance of UGC in Ecommerce

    ● What is UGC and why is it so important for Ecommerce businesses today?● What are some of the different types of UGC that Ecommerce businesses can leverage, and how can they be used to improve customer engagement and increase sales?● How do you see the role of UGC in Ecommerce evolving in the coming years, and what should businesses be doing now to stay ahead of the curve?

  • Mastering Facebook Advertising: Strategies for Success and Future Trends

    ● The evolution of Facebook advertising: How it has changed over the years, and what strategies have emerged as the most effective.● Ad targeting: How to use Facebook's powerful targeting capabilities to reach the right audience for your ads.● Ad creative: What makes for compelling Facebook ads, and how to design your ads for maximum impact.● Ad optimization: How to continually improve the performance of your Facebook ads, including A/B testing and other techniques.● Ad cost management: How to keep your ad costs under control, and how to measure the ROI of your campaigns.● The future of Facebook advertising: What new features and capabilities are on the horizon, and how advertisers can stay ahead of the curve.

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Anatoliy Labinskiy is an entrepreneur, eCommerce expert, salesman, holder of 4-time Two Comma Club awards, and founder of GSM Growth Agency, an eCommerce growth agency that helps entrepreneurs grow to 6–7 figures in revenue.